CTEVT through its constituted and other affiliated schools has been running various courses on health, engineering and agriculture trades in diploma level or proficiency certificate level. TSLC level programs are offered in health. agriculture. engineering, social mobilization, office management etc trades. On the other way, the entry requirement for TSCL level is SLC passed candidates for the course of 15 months, whereas, under SLC for the course of 29 months. By the end of December 2010 total enrollment capacity under CTEVT schools (management as well as affiliated) is 8403 for diploma level and 10332 for TSCL level. TSCL and proficiency/diploma level programs are mentioned in details as follows:
Certificate/Diploma level programs : The entry requirement for 3 years certificate/diploma level programs is SLC passed at least in second division :
- Agriculture
- I. Sc. Ag (Plant Science)
- I . Sc. Ag. (Animal Science)
- Diploma in Food and Dairy Technology
Opportunities for higher Education in Engineering Trade : Those who completed these courses as mentioned above can be eligible to sit in entrance examination of bachelor level in related subject.
- Engineering
- Diploma in Civil Engineering
- Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
- Diploma in Electrical Engineering
- Diploma in Electronic Engineering
- Diploma in Survey Engineering
- Diploma in Computer Engineering
- Diploma in Information Technology
- Diploma in Architecture Engineering
- Health/Medical Science
- Proficiency certificate in General Medicine
- Proficiency Certificate in Nursing
- Proficiency Certificate in Medical Lab Technology
- Proficiency Certificate in Radiography
- Proficiency Certificate in Ayurvedic Science
- Diploma in Pharmacy
- Diploma In Dental Science
- Diploma in Ophthalmic Science
Note : Those who completed General Medicine course can be eligible to sit in the entrance examination of Bachelor in Public Health (BPH) and other disciplines, but need to complete deficiency course of science conducted by Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB) to be eligible for MBBS entrance examination. In order to study Bachelor in Nursing (BN) two years of job experience is required. In addition, graduates of Diploma in Pharmacy and Proficiency in Medical Lab Technology courses can be eligible for the bachelor level in respective subjects.
The following are the trade-wise programs run CTEVT system :
2) TSLC Programs: The entry requirement for following TSLC programs is SLC passed for the course of 15 and 18 months, whereas,under SLC for the course of 29 months.
- Agriculture
- JTA (Animal Science)
- JTA (Plant Science)
Opportunities for upper level study: Those who complete above mentioned courses by receiving at last 68.66% can be eligible to sit in entrance examination of I.Sc.Ag.
- Engineering (Sub-overseer)
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Electronic
- Automobiles
- Junior Computer Technician
- Air - Conditioning and refrigerator
- Sanitary
Opportunities for upper level study: Those who completed above mentioned courses bv receiving at least 68.66% can be eligible to sit in entrance examination of Diploma in Engineering in related subject.
- Health
- CMA : opportunities for upper level study
- ANM : opportunities for upper level study
- AAHW : opportunities for upper level study
- Dental Hygienist : opportunities for upper level study
- Lab Assistant : opportunities for upper level study
Special requirement : SLC must be passed by those who completed above mentioned courses to sit entrance examination of upper level in related subject.